Sunday, February 5, 2012

I have free time!!

Dear Cavemen and cavewomen,
I'll start this Pulitzer award-about-to-win piece by saying I'm sorry... Yes, I've said it. I know its been ages since the last time my fingers blessed the internet with words only blogged by angels and cool hipsters from the bay area, but I have an excuse... yeah, that's right! I ...errr... yeah, I went for a pack of cigarrettes! Truth be told, I just don't have it in me to be constant at anything. I barely have enough spirit to shower once a week, so don' expect me to write at a constant pace using smart words full of wit and sarcasm, otherwise we will both get hurt.

Ok. so let's make a quick overview of what has happened during the last few months... The presidential race (or the Amazing Race if you will...) is getting hot and spicy... since the bedroom life of Newt Gingrich has been partially made public (I almost wrote pubic but it was just too easy), and goshgolly, even I blushed!! I mean, come on... three marriages? Asking for an open relationship? Phone-divorce? Hey, that's all good but the nerve to come out as a paladin of morality literally makes my head spin. I'm not asking for people to be perfect, but I do ask them to preach according to how they act.

But what actually has shocked me in a pleasant way, and it is not electrodes on my genitals, is how the primaries have weeded out the idiots and morons. I watched with a smile on my face how Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain and Rick Perry bowed out with the dignity of a cheap hooker. If a genie showed up and asked me what was my wish, it wouldn't be world peace or end of world hunger... oh no, those endeavors are for well meant people who smile when they shake your hand. What I would ask for is to have a chance to ask Michelle Bachmann if god also asked her to get the fuck out of the race and stop making an ass out of herself. I wish upon a star....

And now, Occupy Wall Street gets its turn. Hrmmm... lots of mixed feelings. To put it in simple words, its like pasta with shit on it. I love pasta, but what they put on it? Gross. The same applies to the Occupy Movement. I understand and share the public discontent towards how part of Wall St has behaved during the last decade. And assuming that the main message they wanted to spread was that the rules should be the same for everyone, then I take my hat off to you Occupy. But I feel that the movement somehow took a turn towards insanity. I'll have to chew on these ideas a bit more in order o fully explain myself.

Well my dear. faithful and naive reader, go back to your normal life, knowing that I'm back. Rest easy, love. The caveman loves you.

PS: In case you were wondering, I will be writing about the Dear Leader.

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