Saturday, May 7, 2011

Caveman, reporting for duty!

Ladies and gentlecavemen,
I just had an epiphany... I have too much free time on my hands, as I find myself for a third time in front of my computer, trying to come up with clever and witty jokes so that all you like me. You like me, right?....

Insecurities aside, I'm actually really enjoying this whole blog writing thing I got going. Since I started writing here, I don't go to sleep full of rage and anger, no more fondling a gun while drinking scotch in my bathtub. I feel better about myself now, and I'm even considering going outside for the first time in 4 years... Truth be told, every time I have a thought that makes me go "Jesus, I am one smart motherfucker", which happens about 47 times a day, I try and save them so I can later on share them with you, my loyal pawns... er.. I mean readers.

So do I do this because my ego knows no bounds or limits? Yes. But also because I ... no, let's be honest, it's because of my ego. But isn't that why everyone goes on facebook, twitter, friendster, xhanga, and Isn't it all just an ego display? Take facebook for example; the picture you post is always the subject of hours of self-scrutiny, the quotes you add must reflect who you really are. Come to think of it, your profile is a social CV, where you highlight your major social accomplishments, like that kick-ass 80's themed party, and all documented through pictures and comments.

But here's the kicker, that all this facebook obsession going on and the nonsensical "social network revolution" is empty of any real content. Bear with me here for a second and let's go balls deep into modern physics, a subject we are all familiar and comfortable with, right? I mean we all took modern physics and played Magic: The Gathering during breaks and made the top 10 girl list from school right? Yeah, that's what we all did, all who were cool... right?

In any event, what I want to explain deals with the following. When a particle is observed, in order to predict its position or momentum, you have already altered them, by changing its energy states, and you can only make a prediction through probabilities. If you are still following me and reading this, I will give you a moment to stop and digest all that information. In the meantime I'm gonna go make myself a sandwich. I'll be right back!

Whew! Yes, I look like Charles Bronson, and I usually deal with thugs in my kitchen, but let's get back to the issue I was talking about. I hope at this point you have grasped what I previously explained. This principle applies to social interactions too, and that when pictures of your every move are being displayed and commented on facebook, you are not really yourself, since you will not act naturally. If you are at a party, and people are taking pictures of everything happening, say you having a drink, or talking to someone, those pictures are of you posing, not of you at a party acting naturally and having a good time and hey, let' be honest, looking for someone to hook up with.

So, my little unique particles, next time you go to a party and you see someone taking pictures, grab it and flush it down the toilet so you can all be real and have real fun.

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