Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yes, you probably thought that this blog would be a one-hit wonder, a
if you will, but alas, here I am once again, naked in front of my IBM 486, and ready to rock your sad world through what my fingers have to say.

So I didn't get the million unique visitors that I was expecting, nor did I get the Pulitzer for my truth revealing piece, but you know what? I didn't do this for all the fame, glory and sex that obviously comes when you start writing your thoughts on oh no, my dear sir! Nevermind that I'm in the talks with Google to put online ads for penis enlargement pills, so I can quit my job and live off the ad revenue!! All that matters is that as long as the public eye rests its gaze on the ilk of Sarah Palin, Rand Paul and public morons like Donald Trump, I shall be there, watching, always, ready to strike them down with the mighty hammer of public accountability!! Sleep easily my dear reader, knowing that I shall be looking over you, ready to protect you from comments like "I can see Russia from my backyard!". I am your Batman, in a world full of Jokers.

Now at this point I'm sure you just left to grab a snack, while I write and write and no one is here reading this... so I will just cut to the chase and go to what made me tick. In case you have been living under a rock, and this rock happened to have no Internet or TV or even mailing address, then you must know that Darth Bin Laden has been killed after a squad of deadly ninja marines went to town on his ass. Now everyone is entitled to their own opinion (Yes, I will allow it...) regarding the moral conundrum that his death brings. Was it fair? Was it justice? I don't really know since most of the adjectives thrown around are too "black and white" (or discrete if you are a math nerd) for a situation that I think is just too many shades of gray. However, what really hit me as odd is how some people came up with all sorts of conspiracies regarding the real situation with Osama Bin Laden. Given how the US government has shrouded many details, it's fairly easy to doubt a claim so explosive as "Yea, we wacked Osama". But come on people, we gotta keep it real, or at least sane. All you need to say is "Hey, you know what? I got my doubts, and I need more proof to take what Obama said and accept it as a truth". But to come out and say that he is still alive, or that he has been dead, or that he actually gave up on terrorism a long time ago and that he owns a candy store on Omaha is just too nuts for me. How do you come up with these ideas? Doubt all you want, but to elaborate you own crazy scenarios and then come out and make them public and present them as the truth, without any hard evidence to back it up just feeds this frenzy that Osama's death has created.

What do I think though? Ok, follow me here on this idea, that I know its true, since my cousin told me that it was true, and he is ALWAYS right, like that one time when he told me that if I swallowed a whole nickel I would poo 5 cents! And he was right!!! Anyways, I digress... So here's what I think happened: The marines got to Osama after they saw that he posted on his facebook profile that he finally got that sad cow on FarmVille to go back to his farm. True story.

And that lads is all for now. I must return to my oxygen capsule. Immortality, here I come!!

1 comment:

  1. I think he is dead and I need to listen to more 80's
